After doing some exercises while going through K&R, I decided to do an exercise of my own, and created a C program that converts a user-inputted decimal into hexadecimal and binary. It was really quite fun to make. Here is the code:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
int main (){
char large_text[100];
int i = 0;
char c;
printf("\nInput: ");
for (i = 0;(c = getchar()); i++){
if ((c == '\0') | (c == 10)) {
large_text[i] = '\0';
large_text[i] = c;
printf("The input was: ");
int i2 = 0;
while (i2 <= i){
printf("%c", large_text[i2]);
// convert to decimal
i2 = 0;
int ten_to_the;
int value;
int decimal = 0;
while (i2 < i){
ten_to_the = i - 1 - i2;
value = (large_text[i2] - '0') * (int)(pow(10,ten_to_the));
printf("char: %c\tdec: %d\t*ten_to_the: %d\tproduct: %d\t",
large_text[i2], large_text[i2] - '0', ten_to_the, value);
decimal = decimal + value;
printf("decimal is: %d\n", decimal);
// convert to hexadecimal
char hex[24];
int slice = decimal;
int remain;
int i3 = 0;
while (slice > 0){
remain = slice % 16;
slice = slice / 16;
switch (remain){
case 10 : c = 'a'; break;
case 11 : c = 'b'; break;
case 12 : c = 'c'; break;
case 13 : c = 'd'; break;
case 14 : c = 'e'; break;
case 15 : c = 'f'; break;
default : c = remain + '0';
hex[i3] = c;
hex[i3] = '\0';
// reverse the hex string for proper order
char newhex[24];
newhex[i3] = '\0';
for (i = 0; (c = hex[i]); i++){
newhex[(i3-1)-i] = c;
// convert to binary
char bin[100];
slice = decimal;
remain = 0;
i3 = 0;
while (slice > 0){
remain = slice % 2;
slice = slice / 2;
case 0 : c = '0'; break;
case 1 : c = '1'; break;
default : c = '!';
bin[i3] = c;
bin[i3] = '\0';
// reverse the string for proper order
char newbin[100];
newbin[i3] = '\0';
for (i = 0; (c = bin[i]); i++){
newbin[(i3-1)-i] = c;
printf("Decimal:%d\tHex: 0x%s\tBinary: %s\n", decimal, newhex, newbin);
printf("Program finished...\n");
return 0;
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